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Lista di controllo per la predisposizione di una proposta

Durante la procedura di trasmissione di una proposta, gli autori devono verificare il rispetto dei seguenti requisiti; la submission potrebbe essere rifiutata se non aderisce a queste richieste.
  • La submission non è stata precedentemente pubblicata, né proposta a un'altra rivista (oppure si fornisce una spiegazione all'editor nei commenti).
  • Il file di submission è in un formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, o WordPerfect.
  • Dove possibile, sono stati fornite gli URL delle referenze.
  • Il testo ha spaziatura singola; usa un font 12 punti ; impiega il corsivo invece della sottolineatura (eccetto con gli indirizzi URL); e tutte le illustrazioni, figure, e tabelle sono posizionate all'interno del testo nei punti appropriati, comprese le didascalie relative.
  • Il testo aderisce alle richieste stilistiche e bibliografiche riassunte nelle linee guida dell'autore, che si trova nella pagina di informazioni sulla rivista.

Linee guida per gli autori

Instructions for Authors

Italian Journal of Freshwater Ichthyology  welcomes research manuscripts containing new biological insight into any aspect of fish and decapod biology, ecology and related environmental management. We invite papers that report results and ideas of value to the conservation and management of fish and macrofauna populations addressed to a wide international readership. Particular attention is deserved to species regarded as threatened according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and the associated Red List Categories and Criteria ( or that are listed as such in specific local publications.

Submission of manuscripts. Original research papers, Review papers, Short Communications, Letters and Comments will be considered for publication. Manuscripts are submitted by the journal site and following the authors instructions for submission (for inquiry mail to On the website of the journal is available a sample template for download (

Preparation of manuscripts.  Authors should consult a recent issue of Italian Journal of Freshwater Ichthyology for details of style and presentation. If the manuscript does not follow the format of the Journal, it will be returned unreviewed.

Submission of abstract for congress. Authors must use the template to submiss the proposal, checking the wished form of presentation (oral presentation or poster). The proposal must send to The decision on the type of presentation will be taken by the Organizing Committee joined with the Scientific Committee and communicated to the author by email.

Manuscripts must be single-spaced throughout, all pages must be numbered including tables and figures with corresponding legends and captions already inserted in the text in the desired position.

Use the following styles:

  • Title: Calibri 14 bold, all caps, left aligned
  • Authors: Times New Roman 12, small caps, left aligned (use Arabic numbers for reference marker for affiliations)
  • Affiliations: Times New Roman 10, italic (preceded by Arabic number), numbered list, left aligned (add an asterisk and “corresponding author” followed by email and phone number for the right author)
  • Keywords: For the term “Keywords” use Times New Romans 10, bold; for the keywords use Times New Roman 10, normal (each keyword is followed by a comma)
  • Abstract, Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment: Times New Roman 12, normal, justify (for the title of the section use Times New Roman 12, bold, left aligned)
  • References: Times New Roman 12, justify, first line hanging 0,5 cm
  • Captions for Tables and figures: Times New Roman 12, center aligned, italic. “Table” or “Figure” have to be followed by a space, the number of the element, a point and the description of the element.

Do not send files in PDF (portable document format). Use only Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Write or LiberOffice Write

The first page must contain the following information: the title of the paper (in Italian and in English), surnames and name together with affiliation address(es) of all author(s); telephone number and email address should be provided only for the corresponding author; for each co-author provide email address.

For regular papers arrange sections in the following sequence: Title (in Italian and English), Authors (surname and name), Affiliations, Abstract (in Italian and English) and Key Words (in Italian and English). Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion (and/or), Conclusions, Acknowledgements, and References should follow.

All Latin words referred to genus and species should be in italics.

Abstract. This must summarize only the significant findings of the paper (i.e. not the background or methods) within 250 words. It should be followed by a list of ≤ 6 key words or key phrases that are not included in the title, with a maximum of 100 characters (including punctuation and spacing).

Illustrations. Photographs should be selected only to illustrate something that cannot adequately be displayed in any other manner. Colour figures can be included. Number figures consecutively using Arabic numbers [Figure 1, 2, etc: subdivide by (a), (b), etc.], in order of their mention in the text. Captions for figures should be typed directly under each figure. Insert figures directly in the manuscript in the correct position.

Tables. Number consecutively in Roman numerals (Table I, II, etc.), in the order of their mention in the text. Captions for tables should be typed directly above each table, and Footnotes to tables should be typed at the bottom of the tables. Tables must be inserted in the manuscript in the correct position.

References. The list of references should be arranged alphabetically according to last name of the first author and set out as follows:

  • Berrebi P., Povz M., Jesensek D., Crivelli A.J. (2000). The genetic diversity of native, stocked and hybrid populations of Marble trout in the Soca River, Slovenia. Heredity 85, 277–287.
  • Nagahama Y., Yoshikuni M., Yamashita, M. Tokumoto T., Katsu Y. (1995). Regulation of oocyte growth and maturation in fish. In Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Vol. 30 (Pederson R.A., Schatten G., eds), Academic Press San Diego, pp. 103–145.
  • Gherardi F. (2007). Biological Invaders in Inland Waters: Profiles, Distribution, and Threats. Springer, Dordrecht.

The order in the list should be arranged first alphabetically, then chronologically. For all text citations, use the surname of the first author only, followed by et al. and the date (e.g Surname et al., 2010). Use & for two-author references (e.g. Surname1 & Surname2, 2010). Where more than one reference is cited in the text these should be in chronological order (e.g. Surname, 2010; Surname, 2011 or Surname, 2010a; Surname, 2010b).

Authors should check that all citations in the text are in the list of references and vice versa, and that their dates match.

Reviews. Reviews should be concise, critical and creative. They should seek to stimulate topical debate and new research initiatives.

Brief Communications. A Brief Communication may be concerned with any subject within the scope of the Italian Journal of Freshwater Ichthyology. To qualify for inclusion as a Brief Communication a paper must be short (five printed pages maximum; c. 2500 words). An abstract of not more than three sentences is required. For the sections and sequence follow the instruction of a regular paper.

Letters. These must be very short (one and a half printed pages maximum; c. 750 words) and deal with single significant finding or point for discussion that needs rapid publication. Include title (in Italian and English), key words (in Italian and English) (note, no Abstract), main text and references (maximum four) (no tables or figures).

Special issues / Proceedings of AIIAD Meetings. In the occasion of AIIAD meetings and workshops, related proceedings will published as a volume. Please follow the instruction of regular paper if it is an oral communication; follow the instruction of brief communication if it is a poster. Authors will be allowed to write their manuscript either in English or in Italian. Papers should not be longer than 6 printed pages (4000 words) with an additional page dedicated to title, authors, affiliations, keywords and summary. Manuscripts should follow the same instructions reported above for regular papers.

Acceptance of papers. Papers will be reviewed by two or more independent experts and evaluated for publication by the Editors, but the Editors may return to authors without review any manuscript considered of inadequate quality or inappropriate for the Journal. The final decision to accept a paper will be made by the Editorial Commission.


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