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Gli articoli dei Soci
- Duchi A., 2021. Rivers in search of the European Eel. Distribution and threats of the Critically Endangered Anguilla anguilla L. in Sicily: the province of Ragusa as a case study. Cybium : 45(1): 31-37
- Delling B., Sabatinia A., Muracciole S., Tougard C. and Berreby P. (2020). Morphologic and genetic characterization of Corsican and Sardinan trout with comments on Salmo taxonomy. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystem 2020-January (421)
- Palmas F., Podda C., Frau G., Cau Al., Moccia D., Peddio S., Solari P., Pusceddu A., Sabatini A. (2019). Invasive crayfish (Procambarus clarkii, Girard, 1852) in a managed brackish wetland (Sardinia, Italy): Controlling factors and effects on sedimentary organic matter. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelfe Science 231: 106459.
- Solari P., Sollai G., Podda C., Frau G., Palmas F., Sabatini A., Crnjar R., Peddio S. (2019). The success in the short-distance communication for mating does not depend on chemical signals in the crustacean decapod Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852). Advanced in Oceanography and Limnology 10(2).
- Podda C., Palmas F., Frau G., Chessa G., Culurgioni J., Diciotti R., Fois N., Sabatini A.( 2020). Environmental influences on the recruitment dynamics of juvenile European eels, Anguilla anguilla, in a small estuary of the Tyrrhenian Sea, Sardinia, Italy. Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst. 2020;1–11.
- Palmas F., Righi T., Musu A., Frongia C., Podda C., Serra M., Splendiani A., Caputo Barucchi V., Sabatini A. (2020). Pug-Headedness Anomaly in a Wild and Isolated Population of Native Mediterranean Trout Salmo trutta L., 1758 Complex (Osteichthyes: Salmonidae). Diversity,12: 353.
- Capoccioni, F.; Leone, C.; Belpaire, C.; Malarvannan, G.; Poma, G.; De Matteis, G.; Tancioni, L.; Contò, M.; Failla, S.; Covaci, A. & Ciccotti, E. (2020). Quality assessment of escaping silver eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) to support management and conservation strategies in Mediterranean coastal lagoons. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 192.
- Leone, C.; Capoccioni, F.; Belpaire, C.; Malarvannan, G.; Poma, G.; Covaci, A.; Tancioni, L.; Contò, M.; Ciccotti, E. (2020). Evaluation of Environmental Quality of Mediterranean Coastal Lagoons Using Persistent Organic Pollutants and Metals in Thick-lipped Grey Mullet. Water 2020, 12, 3450.
- Duchi, A. 2020. Extant because important or important because extant? On the scientific importance and conservation of a genetically pure Sicilian population of the threatened Salmo cettii Rafinesque, 1810. Cybium: 44(1):41-44.
- Dauwalter, D. C., Duchi, A., Epifanio, J., Gandolfi, A., Gresswell, R., Juanes, F., ... & Mikheev, P. (2020). A call for global action to conserve native trout in the 21st century and beyond. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 29: 429-432.
- Splendiani A., Berrebi P., Tougard C., Righi T., Reynaud N., Fioravanti T., Lo Conte P., Delmastro G.B., Baltieri M., Ciuffardi L., Candiotto A., Sabatini A., Caputo Barucchi V. (2020): The role of the south-western Alps as a unidirectional corridor for Mediterranean brown trout (Salmo trutta complex) lineages. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, , blaa125,
- Milardi, M., Soana, E., Chapman, D., Fano, E.A., Castaldelli, G. Could a freshwater fish be at the root of dystrophic crises in a coastal lagoon? (2020) Science of the Total Environment, 711, art. no. 135093
- Milardi, M., Gavioli, A., Soana, E., Lanzoni, M., Fano, E.A., Castaldelli, G. The role of species introduction in modifying the functional diversity of native communities (2020) Science of the Total Environment, 699, art. no. 134364
- Milardi, M., Gavioli, A., Castaldelli, G., Soininen, J. Partial decoupling between exotic fish and habitat constraints remains evident in late invasion stages (2020) Aquatic Sciences, 82 (1), art. no. 14
- Milardi, M., Gavioli, A., Soininen, J., Castaldelli, G. Exotic species invasions undermine regional functional diversity of freshwater fish (2019) Scientific reports, 9 (1), p. 17921.
- Gavioli, A., Milardi, M., Castaldelli, G., Fano, E.A., Soininen, J. Diversity patterns of native and exotic fish species suggest homogenization processes, but partly fail to highlight extinction threats (2019) Diversity and Distributions, 25 (6), pp. 983-994.
- Lanzoni, M., Aschonitis, V., Milardi, M., Fano, E.A., Castaldelli, G. A bimodal weight-length relationship in bleak (Alburnus alburnus) (2019) Annales Zoologici Fennici, 56 (1), pp. 25-32.
- Milardi, M., Gavioli, A., Lanzoni, M., Fano, E.A., Castaldelli, G. Meteorological factors influence marine and resident fish movements in a brackish lagoon(2019) Aquatic Ecology
- Franceschini S., Gandola E., Martinoli M., Tancioni L. & Scardi M. (2018). Cascaded neural networks improving fish species prediction accuracy: The role of the biotic information. Scientific Reports (2018) 8:4581
- Franceschini S, Tancioni L, Lorenzoni M, Mattei F, Scardi M (2019) An ecologically constrained procedure for sensitivity analysis of Artificial Neural Networks and other empirical models. PLoS ONE 14(1): e0211445.
- Marcheggiani S., Cesarini G., Puccinelli C., Chiudioni F., Mancini L., Angelici C., Martinoli M., Tancioni L. (2019). An Italian local study on assessment of the ecological and human impact of water abstraction. Microchemical Journal 149 104016.
- A. R. Rossi, G. Petrosino, V. Milana, M. Martinoli, A. Rakaj & L. Tancioni (2019) Genetic identification of native populations of Mediterranean brown trout Salmotrutta L. complex (Osteichthyes: Salmonidae) in central Italy, The European Zoological Journal, 86:1, 424-431.
- Javier Lóbon-Cerviá, Manu Esteve, Patrick Berrebi, Antonino Duchi, Massimo Lorenzoni, and Kyle A. Young. 2019. Trout and Char of Central and Southern Europe and Northern Africa. In: Trout and Char of the World. Edited by Jeffrey L. Kershner, Jack E. Williams, Robert E. Gresswell, and Javier Lobón-Cerviá. American Fisheries Society.
- A. Splendiani, F. Palmas, A. Sabatini & V. Caputo Barucchi (2019) The name of the trout: considerations on the taxonomic status of the Salmo trutta L., 1758 complex (Osteichthyes: Salmonidae) in Italy, The European Zoological Journal, 86:1, 432-442.
- Lorenzoni M, Carosi A, Giovannotti M, Porta GL, Splendiani A, Barucchi VC. 2019. Morphological survey as powerful detection tool of pure and local phenotypes in Salmo trutta complex. Knowl. Manag. Aquat. Ecosyst., 420, 48.
- Tiberti R, Splendiani A., 2019. Management of a highly unlikely native fish: The case of arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus from the Southern Alps. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (Early View, 03 February 2019)
- Splendiani A., Giovannotti M., Righi T., Fioravanti T., Nisi Cerioni P., Lorenzoni M., Carosi A., La Porta G., Caputo Barucchi V. 2019: Introgression despite protection: the case of native brown trout in Natura 2000 network in Italy. Conserv Genet (online not assigned)
- Lanzoni M., Aschonitis V., Milardi M., Castaldelli G., Fano EA. - 2018 - A method to identify bimodal weight–length relations: Possible ontogenetic diet and/or metabolism shift effects in Anguilla anguilla (Actinopterygii: Anguilliformes: Anguillidae). Acta Ichthyologica Et Piscatoria 48 (2), 163-171
- Gavioli A., Milardi M., Lanzoni M., Mantovani S., Aschonitis V., Soana E., Fano EA., Castaldelli G. - 2018 - Managing the environment in a pinch: red swamp crayfish tells a cautionary tale of ecosystem based management in northeastern Italy. Ecological Engineering 120, 546-553
- Gavioli A., Mancini M., Milardi M., Aschonitis V., Racchetti E., Viaroli P., Castaldelli G. - 2018 - Exotic species, rather than low flow, negatively affect native fish in the Oglio River, Northern Italy. River Research and Applications, 1-11
- Milardi M., Lanzoni M., Gavioli A., Fano EA., Castaldelli G. - 2018 - Tides and moon drive fish movements in a brackish lagoon Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 215, 207-214
- Berrebi P., Caputo Barucchi V., Splendiani A., Muracciole S., Sabatini A., Palmas F., Tougard C., Arculeo M. Marić S., 2018 - Brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) high genetic diversity around the Tyrrhenian Sea as revealed by nuclear and mitochondrial markers. Hidrobiologia, 823: 1-26.
- Lorenzoni, M., Carosi, A., Giovannotti, M., La Porta, G., Splendiani, A., & Caputo Barucchi, V. (2018). Ecology and conservation of the Mediterranean trout in the central Apennines (Italy). Journal of Limnology.
- Tancioni L., Martinoli M., Olivo P., Rakaj A., De Lutiis F., Martini A., Boglione C. (2019) Brook chub, Squalius lucumonis (Pisces, Cyprinidae) conservation aquaculture: First attempt at artificial reproduction and larval rearing. Aquaculture, 499: 178-184.
- Lorenzoni M., Carosi A., Giovannotti M., La Porta G., Splendiani A., Caputo B.V. (2018), Population status of the native Cottus gobio after removal of the alien Salmo trutta: a case-study in two Mediterranean streams (Italy). Knowl. Manag. Aquat. Ecosyst. 2018, 419, 22.
- Duchi, A. (2018), Flank spot number and its significance for systematics, taxonomy and conservation of the near-threatened Mediterranean trout Salmo cettii: evidence from a genetically pure population. J Fish Biol, 92: 254–260.
- M. Milardi, G. Castaldelli (2018) A novel approach to an ecofunctionalfish index for Mediterranean countries. Ecological Indicators, 89: 376–385.
- M. Milardi, M. Lanzoni, A. Gavioli, E.A. Fano, G. Castaldelli (2018) Long-term fish monitoring underlines a rising tide of temperature tolerant, rheophilic, benthivore and generalist exotics, irrespective of hydrological conditions. J. Limnol. (accepted, in press)
- M. Lanzoni, M. Milardi, V. Aschonitis, E. A. Fano & G. Castaldelli (2018) A regional fish inventory of inland waters in Northern Italy reveals the presence of fully exotic fish communities, The European Zoological Journal, 85:1, 1-7.